I’m getting ready to give away some really fancy luxury Haas brushes! 

Brooke USA is currently raising awareness about the devastating plight facing working donkeys in East Africa and other regions throughout the world. At this time, world donkey populations are being absolutely decimated by legal and illegal slaughter for their skins. Their skins are being boiled to fill a Chinese demand as an ingredient in certain “health” supplements. Unfortunately, even Amazon US is selling these dubious so-called “health” supplements.

Brook USA is calling on people to send an email to Amazon requesting they stop the sale of these items immediately. Amazon should not be providing a marketplace for a product that is being produced from stolen and murdered donkeys. 

Not only is this REALLY horrific and inhumane for the donkeys, it’s a devastating blow to the families that own them, especially for women and girls. In developing nations in East Africa and other places throughout the world, a donkey can mean the difference between life and death. A donkey is a valued bread-winning member of the family. They put food on the table and children in school. 

To have a donkey stolen and slaughtered can change a family’s socioeconomic status permanently, or worse…

To enter the contest: 

  1. Go here for details on how to send your email: https://www.brookeusa.org/amazon (It’s super easy, you can copy/paste.)
  2. Send me a screenshot to enter into the giveaway! (Insta or FB)
    1. DM ginnymc1 on Insta https://www.instagram.com/ginnymc1/
    2. Or message me on FB https://www.facebook.com/ginnyshorseproductreview 

Haas brushes are REALLY nice! Some of them cost upwards of $40-50 +! I have had one for the past 11 years, and it’s my best brush. These are truly splurge items, which if you’re like me, you probably don’t usually get for yourself. That’s why I chose them for this giveaway! 

I’ll probably just buy a few brushes for the giveaway, but if I get at least 1,000 entries, I will be spending $100+, so make sure to share this after you enter! We need as many people sending emails as possible. 

Please please please send the email, send me a screen shot that you did it, and I’ll enter you into the contest for Haas brushes! 

Let’s help donkeys!

Happy trails, friends!