Who doesn’t love a good horse trailer hack? Whether you’re an avid horse camper or have a busy horse show season coming up, this hack is for you! If you don’t have a living quarters trailer, you likely don’t have running water at your trailer. With this SIMPLE and CHEAP DIY hack, you can have a hand washing station and running water right where you need it! Whether you need to wash up before a show or get a dish cleaned at the campsite, this hack makes it possible!

DIY Hand Washing Station for Horse Trailer

If you’re like me, and you don’t have a living quarters horse trailer, this is the DIY project for you. This simple horse trailer hack is easy and cheap! All you need is a 2.5 gallon water dispensing jug! (Also, make sure to have soap and towels on hand!) You can find these jugs at places like Walmart and even Amazon!

The spigot portion of the jug can be turned on, and it will stay on until you shut it, so you can wash both hands at once. Also, for two people, we’ve found that it only needs to be refilled once a day. Also, since it’s only 2.5 gallons, it’s not TOO big to be lugging around camp or the show grounds.

The Benefits of This Horse Trailer Hack!

There are so many benefits to having a DIY hand washing station right at your trailer! First of all, as comfortable as we ALL are with horse dirt, sometimes you just need to wash your hands! Maybe you just cleaned your horse’s stall or picked some gross manure out of hooves. Maybe you’ve just thrown a few burgers on the grill, and you have raw meat germs on your hands! Whatever the case, being able to quickly wash your hands is SO nice!

If you’re camping for more than a few days or you’re at a weekend event or show, nothing is better than washing your face at the end of the day. There’s just NO downside to this cheap and easy horse trailer hack!

The DIY Hand Washing Station SAVES Time

If you’re at a show, endurance ride or even just camping, you know how much time it can take to hike to a bathroom or water spigot. My favorite thing about this horse trailer hack is that it saves me time. If you’ve only got a few minutes before your class, but also, your grubby hands are absolutely filthy, you don’t need to waste valuable time trying to find a sink! Any hack that saves me time in camp is totally worth it in my book!

That’s why I also encourage you to check out my blog about the DIY camper toilet I use in my horse trailer!

DIY Camper Toilet For Horse Trailer

Who needs to spend tens of thousands of dollars on a living quarters trailer? With a few simple hacks, you can have a cheap, CLEAN and easy bathroom right at your campsite or in your trailer!

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