If you’re looking for a rain rot or scratches remedy that is gentle and effective, I recommend Corona’s Fung-a-Way. I originally found this product at my local ranch supply store. I’ve used and liked other Corona products, so I felt confident giving this a try. Like many equestrians who have lived in humid climates, I’ve battled things like scratches, rain rot and cannon crud over the years. I spent about four years in humid North Carolina before moving to Idaho, so I got a good opportunity to test out a few anti-fungal remedies.

Fung-a-Way is definitely one of my favorite remedies for rain rot and scratches for a few important reasons. It’s gentle, and I’ve found it to work relatively quickly. Within a few days of use, I’ve seen noticeable improvements in my horse’s skin. Additionally, it’s not sticky and messy like some other treatments that are only available in cream form.

Fung-a-Way Isn’t Sticky or Messy

If you haven’t been personally slathered in various creams and salves while treating a horse, you haven’t been horsing for very long! In addition to being gentle on skin and knocking out fungus, Fung-a-Way gets my stamp of approval for being relatively clean to work with! It’s in a spray bottle, so you don’t actually have to touch it at all. I will just clean up the area, dust off any dirt or mud and then spray a few applications to the area.

If you’re dealing with scratches or something that you need to wash first, make sure it fully dries before applying Fung-a-Way. In general, fungus likes to grow in damp conditions, so if I do wash rain rot or some other fungal infection, I always make sure to let it completely dry before applying any meds on top. I want the area to get clean, dry and exposed to the air first.

Be Careful With Harsh Products

I REALLY like Fung-a-Way because it gets the job done GENTLY. If you’ve ever had a sensitive-skinned horse, you know how important it is to use gentle products and spot-test FIRST! I know MTG works for a lot of people, but it burned one of my horses really badly, and before you tell me it was because she was in the sun, it happened at night!

There are a ton of products out there that are VERY harsh on skin. I don’t want to put anything on my horse that I wouldn’t want on my own skin. I know furazone, DMSO and other powerful chemical products have their places, but exercise EXTREME caution when using them, and only use them sparingly WHEN needed.

Catch Fungal Issues Quickly

The best way to deal with fungal issues is to identify and address them quickly. The sooner you see a little scab of scratches on a pastern, the better! If I even see a hint of a scab, I will treat it. I’m always so sad to see horses with large painful scratches lesions on their pasterns. I know it can get out of hand quickly, and springtime mud can make grooming IMPOSSIBLE, but it really is best to catch and treat fungal issues ASAP.

I like Fung-a-Way because, it is super easy to use. Clean the area of any mud or debris and spray it on. Even if your horse is going to be turned right back out into a mud bog, you can clean the area and let it dry while you groom or ride, and then spray the medicine on. If you could do that daily, it would really make a difference.

What About Thrush?

I know it’s “off-label,” but I have even sprayed Fung-a-Way into the central sulcus of a hoof, right into the frog area. One of my horses absolutely hates the smell of Desitin diaper rash cream (my favorite thrush remedy), so if I see (or smell) anything remotely concerning while picking out his hooves, he’ll get a spray of fung-a-way in there! Happy to report that I haven’t had a serious case of thrush in about five years!

Over all, I really love Corona’s Fung-a-Way. It’s gentle, effective and easy-to-use. One bottle lasts a long time, and it’s affordable too. If you have a favorite rain rot remedy (that’s gentle), let me know in the comments!

Until next time, Happy Trails!

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