What’s up guys?
I just got back from D&B supply, my local ranch store, and I want to share my horse supply haul with you! I didn’t buy any actual tack today, because I have a few items coming in the mail, so I mainly focused on supplements and LARGE items that it just makes sense to pickup local. That being said, I didn’t leave without a few smaller items for my horses!
First of all, if you’re not familiar with D&B Supply, it’s a lot like a Tractor Supply Store. Basically, it’s a ranch store with a pretty decent horse section. They mostly have western tack, and plenty of horse care items and products.
Horse Supply Haul From D&B Supply
- Standlee Alfalfa/Timothy Cubes
- Horse-Manna Vitality Supplement
- Daily Gold- Stress Relief
- Powerflex Self-Adhering Elastic Bandage in Glittery Blue, Glittery Pink and Glitter Purple, because OF COURSE.
- Redmond Rock Salt
- EQyss- Survivor, Super Detangler Shine
- EQyss- Premier, Natural Botanical Equine Rehydrant Spray
- Free Sample of Flix Treats, 100% flax treats from HorseGuard

Why I Buy Hay Cubes
I typically buy a bag of hay cubes about every month or so. Especially in the wintertime, nothing warms my heart like warming my horses’ tummies! They always neigh when they see me carrying a few buckets of soaked hay cubes out to their pasture!
Over the past few months, I’ve been getting into positive reinforcement training and clicker training. You never want to start a clicker training session on an empty stomach, because the horses can get too excited about the treats if they’re hungry. I always like to bring a bucket of soaked cubes before I work with them.
Because many of us board our horses, we don’t have complete control over their feeding schedule. Our own busy schedules can make getting out to the barn at the exact perfect time pretty difficult. Bringing a bucket of soaked hay cubes with you to the barn is a great way to make sure your horse is full and happy for whatever work you plan to do. This is ESPECIALLY important for ulcer-prone horses. It’s also a good idea before travel too! Not only does it put hay in their tummies, it helps to keep them hydrated!
Horse Supply Hauls Include Supplements
I really like Horse Manna, by Manna Pro. It’s a great supplement, and I portion out my horses’ daily rations and use them as treats for clicker training. I might mix in a few handfuls of oats too. Neither of my horses get a ton of grain, and this supplement is a great and tasty way to add a little something extra to their diets. For some reason, I really love the smell of this supplement. Obviously, my horses like it too!
I also got the Daily Gold-Stress Relief, which is made by Redmond. It’s basically a syringe of “Natural Hydrated Clay,” and it’s supposed to be good for horses with digestive issues. My senior gelding occasionally gets diarrhea, so I got this for him. He actually hasn’t had an episode of runny stools in a while, even with CRAZY Idaho springtime weather snaps, so my current protocol has been working pretty well! (I’ll share that in an upcoming blog/video!)
No Horse supply haul at my local ranch store is complete without a salt block, and today I got the Redmond Rock Salt. These blocks are naturally cut, not formed into squares. They look like a real rock. They have a ton of minerals and my horses really like them. I’ve been using them for a few months, and it probably takes about a month for my two horses to go through one.
Equine First Aid Items in The Horse Supply Haul
One of my favorite finds today was the glittery vet wrap! It’s PowerFlex brand. It’s sparkly and fabulous! To be honest, I got these to put in my equine first aid kit, but I will probably end up using them for some non-medical reason. Like, maybe I could wrap them around some tack or regular polos before a fun show or something like that? They’re just too glittery and amazing to sit in the bottom of my first aid kit forever.

Grooming Products
My D&B Supply was having an amazing sale on EQyss products today, so I got their detangler and rehydrant spray. I usually don’t get these items, because they are so pricey. Since they were on sale, I went for them, and I can’t wait to try them out on my horses. One of my horses has a naturally curly/wavy mane, and it’s prone to snarling in the wind, so a detangler is a MUST. My other horse has enough tail for three horses, so I definitely go through a lot of grooming products!
Free Horse Treats
I’m SUPER excited about the free samples of Flix treats they were giving out today. Over the past few months, I’ve really gotten into clicker training and positive reinforcement methods with my horses, and I’m always looking for healthy treats to try out. They are 100% flax, so they should be high in omegas, which are good for skin and coat!
That’s everything from my horse supply haul and D&B Supply today.
Happy Trails, and check out some of my latest reviews!